Burned Uniswap LP Token

MOE has been utilized to provide liquidity in the Uniswap pool, accounting for 90% of the total supply. The ownership of the Uniswap pool has been transferred to the zero address, ensuring that no one can profit from swaps.

Here is the proof.

Creating Uniswap v3 liquidity pool
  • TXHash: 0x1795b92651d140aa248948cd6c6166ac8f5b184f55972c1bcd0915c6000b6024

Removing liquidity from the v3 pool to migrate to the Uniswap v2 liquidity pool
  • TXHash: 0x4f4ac19fdf1d851117f69c868feb68d66ff68cf023eeb4d51710175b10b0ed4c

Supplying liquidity to Uniswap v2 pool
  • TXHash: 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d

  • There is a difference in the amount of ETH due to the Ethereum transaction fees incurred when withdrawing from the v3 pool and using them for opening the v2 pool.

Transferring LP tokens to the zero address to nullify ownership
  • TXHash: 0x9c30b7ba711059a4c36f1bd81b73b1301aa61e4c5ea1db5e053106d614185e69

Last updated